The Unit of Specialized Enterprises "ALFA" is a private business group, providing all kinds of services, associated with economical security in business. This business group was founded on base of Saint-Peterburg's well-known Security Agency "ALFA", which celebrated in 1997 its 5-year anniversary of work on security services market.


Today "ALFA" consistes of several protection companies, detective agency, law and consulting offices, as well as telecommunication firm, providing technical security of objects. The fundamental principle of our work is high professionally and integrity.



"ALFA" group doesn't have nor clients with doubtful reputation, nor contacts with criminal organizations.  

"ALFA" business group is based on following firms:

•protection company;
•detective agency;
•law office;
•international technologies and communications.

"ALFA" business group is based on following firms, which are the unit promoters:

Protection Company "ALFA-NORD Security Agency" ,Ltd., licence УЛ №021289.
It proposes all kinds of protection serviced, including armed protection.

•protection of objects;
•personal protection;
•protection of freightes, including money resources and valuables.

Detective Agency "ALFA-SPb", Ltd., licence УЛ №020970.
It proposes detective services.

•the search of jacked autotransport;
•gathering information about the dependability of your partners (both firms and persons);
•the search of lost property.

Law Office "ALFA-LEKS", Ltd., licence МЮ №023348.
It proposes law and consulting services.

•consulting on criminal law and civil law;
•analysis of economic and business documents;
•analysis of economic legislation;
•consulting researches and analytic review of business situation, including the researches of criminal relationship of the region.

International Technologies and Communications, Ltd., licence ПЛО №271002209
It proposes fitting and maintenance of special technical protection equipment.

•video monitoring system;
•equipment for technical protection of information;
•system of control and restriction of access to your objects.

The ALFA Unit is ready to provide guaranteed protection of business againts unlawful claims.Among the clients of ALFA Unit are
SKANSKA OY, Metro AUTO OY (Finland), Walter SCHMELZING GmbH (Germany), The House of Sweden in St.-Petersburg.

Our adress: Novocherkasskiy pr., 58, offce #308, St.-Perersburg (Russia), 195215 Tel: (812) 444-88-08, 44-05-33, Fax: (812) 445-11-16
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